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We’re Still In Business, Doing the Lord’s Business

Giving with open hands

As everyone knows, because of the global coronavirus pandemic, we are unable to meet face-to-face in groups of more than ten. We have moved our Sunday Morning Messages to an online format on Facebook Live. If you haven’t already, please prepare your heart beforehand and then join us on Sunday Mornings at 11 on Facebook. Sunday Evenings at 6pm, we do our Sunday Evening Bible Studies and Wednesday Night Prayer Meetings on Zoom. If you’d like a link to those meetings, please let us know and we’ll send you an email with the link so you can join us.

So yes, our work — God’s work — continues, just in a different format than in the past. As soon as we are able, we will go begin meeting in-person again and include the online aspects to continue ministering to God’s people. Meanwhile, we still have bills to pay, salaries, and mission work to support. I will not beg God’s people to give, but I will remind you that God’s work costs money.

It’s great to know that people are committed to supporting God’s work through their local church — even when they can’t go to church! I have had several people ask me how they should handle their “gifts of tithes and offerings” during this time of not being able to drop their check in an offering plate.

We have installed a secure mailbox at the North end of the building in the church parking lot. Mail can be dropped in easily, but it can only be retrieved with a key. Our mailbox is checked several times a week, so feel free to drop your check in the US Mail or come by the church and drop it in the mailbox. Your gifts will be recorded and deposited as always in a timely manner.

Thank you for your continued support for the ministries of Faith Community Baptist Church. I praise God that He has blessed us and that every dime given to our church goes to support God’s work. Good stewardship and being debt-free is particularly freeing in times like these.

Growing in grace and knowledge,
Pastor Craig

Faith Community Baptist Church
3577 North FM-51
Weatherford, TX 76085

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