An Open Letter to Our Church and Community

Our country is beginning to slowly reopen following the global Covid-19 pandemic. Although hundreds of thousands were affected and many died, thankfully, it wasn’t as bad as we were warned by healthcare leaders.
I’m sure you’re aware that we briefly closed the church doors and moved our public ministry to Facebook Live. During the shutdown, we continued ministry to our people and to our community. Even though we were unable to meet in person, many of our people were faithful to continue financially supporting our church. As a result, the lights stayed on, missionaries continued receiving their much-needed support, and all of our staff continued receiving their full salaries. For this I am deeply grateful to God.
Well, it’s time to reopen the doors of the church! This past Sunday, we had a “soft relaunch” of our in-person services. We were very careful to distance ourselves and we had extra hand sanitizer and some masks available for those who felt they needed one.
Now that the doors are open and we’ve had a trial-run, I invite you to come back. In inviting you back, please note that for the time being, things may not look like “normal” at church. For that matter, things may not look like “normal” in many places. Given the average age and health of many in our church, we would request that if you aren’t feeling well on a given Sunday, or if you have had a fever in the past few days, please join us on Facebook Live. Stay home, get rest and when you’re feeling better, come see us in person. If you feel you need to wear a mask at church, please don’t hesitate to do so. For the time being, we may not shake your hand or give you a hug, but we do want to see you again.
I hope to see you soon!
Growing in grace and knowledge,
Pastor Craig