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Are We Having Church This Sunday?*

I have fielded this question several times and I thought I’d answer it here to clear up any confusion.

As I’m sure you’re aware, Governor Abbot has said that churches can begin meeting again in-person if certain criteria are met, including social-distancing, disinfection of the facilities between church services, etc.

After attending a virtual meeting with other pastors and church leaders and County Judge Pat Deen on Thursday Afternoon, I met with our Trustees about when and how we should transition back to meeting in-person. We are united in our view that Faith Community Baptist Church should take the cautious course of most of the other churches in Parker County: We will not rush to be the first to open our doors. Neither will we be the last.

We refuse to live by fear. But we need to be good stewards of the welfare of our church fellowship. All but a handful of our normal attendees are in the “target” age group of over-65. Add to that our members’ other compromised health conditions, we don’t want to be reckless.

We are blessed to have a beautiful, spacious place to meet. Given the size of our church fellowship and the size of our building, we will be able to make the transition when the time comes. We so look forward to meeting together face-to-face again. But now is not the time.

Please continue to pray for us to be sensitive to God’s leading during this time of crisis.

Pastor Craig

* YES! Of course we’re having church on Sunday! We never stopped! We will continue our online-only services for the foreseeable future. Join us on Facebook Live at 11am for our worship service!

Also, join us for our Sunday Night Bible Study and Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting on Zoom. If you need assistance with Zoom, please let me know.

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