Pray for Afghanistan
I feel such a burden to pray for the people of Afghanistan. I came across a great post from The Gospel Coalition that gives some specific things to pray for.
Please join me in praying.
Pastor Craig
I feel such a burden to pray for the people of Afghanistan. I came across a great post from The Gospel Coalition that gives some specific things to pray for.
Please join me in praying.
Pastor Craig
To help “encourage each other to love and good deeds”, each month our church members commit to memorizing a Bible verse. This month, we’re working on Romans 8:11 from the Christian Standard Bible. And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, then he who raised Christ from the…
Mark your calendar! We will have our Second Annual Trunk or Treat on Wednesday, October 27 at 6:00 pm. As we did last year, this is a drive-thru event. Load the kids into your car, minivan, or SUV and join us for a safe Fall celebration!
If you weren’t able to be in our Sunday Morning Worship Service or watch today’s sermon on Facebook, challenging everyone to read through the Bible in 2025, here is a downloadable copy of my manuscript.
On Sunday, September 13 in our monthly business meeting, our church fellowship voted to uniquely with the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention (SBTC). What this means is that the SBTC will be our official partner for missions work in the great State of Texas. This also means that we will officially be affiliated with the…
Before going to bed Saturday Night, remember to let your clock FALL BACK one hour. After enjoying your extra hour of sleep, join us for Bible Study at 10 AM and our Worship Service at 11 AM.
On Saturday, December 16, our ladies group, The Sassy Sisters met at The Corn Fed Club. This group of ladies — and a few others — crafted over one hundred blankets! The rehab residents and employees were thrilled with their gifts! Ladies, thank you for all you do to minister to those in our church,…