Fall Missions Opportunities
Fall is an important time of year for our church! We are a generous church and have a deep heart for Missions.

In September, we are praying for and collecting funds for our Reach Texas State Missions Offering through the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention.

In October, we will have our Annual Drive-through Trunk or Treat. Bring your car, truck, or van loaded with your family and pick up some treats beginning at 6:00 PM on Sunday, October 30.

In November, we will assemble Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse. Each year since we started our church, we have collected over seventy boxes full of Christmas gifts for children! The boxes will be collected during the third week in November.

In December, we will collect funds for our annual Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for the Southern Baptist Convention International Mission Board. All funds collected for this special offering go directly to the international mission field.

Throughout this season, we are collecting funds for our missionary to the Philippines, Paul Byars. Paul will use these funds to purchase gifts locally for the children he ministers to. By sending the funds directly to him, we avoid the expensive international shipping costs.

Finally, Christmas occurs on Sunday this year! What a great time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with your family on Christmas Morning! Join us for a special Sunday Morning Worship Service.
Please pray about how God would use you in these ministries this Fall.