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2023 “Jesus Loves the Little Children” Outreach Project

For the past few years, we have dedicated the last Quarter of the year to a project we call “Jesus Loves the Little Children”. For part of this project, our church members give money to send to our Missionary to the Philippines, Paul Byars. Paul, in turn, purchases toys and other items to give to children he ministers to. Rather than paying for shipping costs, Paul can use all of the money we collected to buy the items locally.

We are also collecting presents to give to a local fire department so that families who have lost everything to fire or water damage will have Christmas gifts for their children.

Once again, Faith Community Baptist Church has worked together to collect goodies to pack into shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child. You’ll see some of the pictures below of our members and friends packing the boxes that will be distributed to children who have been led to faith in Jesus Christ in various parts of the world. Next week, we will take the shoeboxes to our local collection center to be added to several truckloads of shoeboxes.

In this Sunday’s Morning Worship Service, we will pray over the shoeboxes: that God will get each shoebox to the child who needs the contents in that specific box.

I am so blessed to lead a church with such a big heart for children around the world! Thank you, church for your sacrificial giving!

Growing in grace and knowledge,
Pastor Craig

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