A Busy Sunday and Monday

Over the course of two months, our church collected toys and goodies as part of our “Jesus Loves the Little Children” outreach project through Samaritan’s Purse. On Sunday, November 19, our members gathered around our Lord’s Supper Table and prayed over the fifty-one shoeboxes that our members had filled.
We prayed that God would bless each child with the gifts they needed.
After praying over the shoeboxes, our church enjoyed our annual Thanksgiving Potluck. There was plenty of food for everyone (as always!) It was a great time of fellowship together!

The next day, several of us loaded our shoeboxes into cars and delivered them to our local Operation Christmas Child Collection Center in several tractor-trailers. From there, the shoeboxes made their way to Central and South America and Eastern Europe.
Preliminary counts showed that our shoeboxes were part of over ten million shoeboxes that were donated this year in the United States. Fifty-nine thousand of those were collected in the DFW Metroplex.
God continues to amaze me with what He can do through one small, generous church!
Growing in grace and knowledge,
Pastor Craig