Psalms Journey in Concert
Join us at 11am on February 7 as the Psalms Journey Gospel Quartet joins us in concert for our Sunday Morning Worship Service.
Join us at 11am on February 7 as the Psalms Journey Gospel Quartet joins us in concert for our Sunday Morning Worship Service.
One of the most important things we can do as believers is to spend time with Him. And one of the most important things we can do in spending time with God is listening to His voice in His Word.
This infographic sums up the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Please prayerfully consider how you should partner with other Great Commission Baptists in reaching the lost world for Christ.
Our church schedule is changing for the next couple of weeks. We will not have Wednesday Night Prayer Meetings on December 23 or December 30. Also, we will not have Sunday Evening Bible Study on December 27. Please use this time to safely celebrate the Reason for the Season with your family. We will resume…
The headline says it all. As I’m typing this, there are 84 active cases in our county. That’s about twice as many as there were just a few weeks ago. And overnight, President Trump and the First Lady tested positive. Please join me in praying for them. I’m as over this thing as anyone! I…
I have fielded this question several times and I thought I’d answer it here to clear up any confusion. As I’m sure you’re aware, Governor Abbot has said that churches can begin meeting again in-person if certain criteria are met, including social-distancing, disinfection of the facilities between church services, etc. After attending a virtual meeting…
Beginning this week, we’ll add a new element to our Sunday Morning Facebook Live church service. I don’t want to let the cat out of the bag yet, but it’s an element that we’ve been sorely missing over the past month. I’ll share more later this week here and on our church’s Facebook page. Given…
When Paul was “quarantined” by prison, his ministry didn’t stop. He simply shifted his strategy, methods, and tools. We’re doing the same thing right now at church: shifting our strategy, methods, and tools. We can’t use one of our tools (our building) right now. But Social Media, Zoom Meetings, and phone calls are still working…
During this time of “ungathered” worship services, it’s important that we continue worshiping our Father. We aren’t able to sing our harmonies led by Gene and accompanied by Susan’s piano. So what should we do on Sunday Mornings to prepare for coming into God’s presence as a church body? I have included three YouTube playlists…
Until the Order is lifted, we will not meet in person for Sunday School or church, nor for any other purpose.